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This is where you can create and maintain NPI data that you are associated with. The NPI Registry Public Search is a free directory of all active National Provider Identifier (NPI) records. NPPES is the official source of NPI information. Employer Identification Number (EIN) Organization Name (Legal Business Name) Is the Organization a subpart? Other Name. truck refrigerator for sale To learn more about how to apply for an NPI click here. NPPES is the official source of NPI information. Information relating to each NPI number is publicly disclosable according to the NPPES Data Dissemination Notice. This is where you can create and maintain NPI data that you are associated with. the furrha family biography Filter, sort and export results, or use the advanced lookup option for more detailed inquiries. To learn more about how to apply for an NPI click here. org allows you to perform NPI Number Lookups of doctors & various medical entities for their unique NPI number. After successfully creating your I&A account, return to NPPES and use your I&A User ID and Password to log in. haircut by me Search the complete NPI registry by: NPI Number; Physician First Name or Last Name; Organization Name; This tool is made available based on a CMS data file from July 02, 2024. ….

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